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Of the following items _______ is not mentioned for which UKHO will accept no responsibility.


A.change in the process of display or printing

B.unauthorised changes made by licensees or other parties

C.modifications made by licensees or other parties

D.professional amendments.


  • 1The use of the data is advised to consult _______ for further details.

    A.Mariners Handbook

    B.Sailing Directions

    C.Guide to Port Entry

    D.Notices to Mariners

  • 2The data may become corrupted in any of the following process except _______.

    A.during transmission

    B.in the display or printing on the user’s equipment

    C.in converting to other software formats

    D.in air mail delivery to the readers

  • 3Every vessel which is directed by these Rules to keep out of the way of another vessel shall,if the circumstances of the case admit,avoid _______.

    A.crossing ahead of the other

    B.crossing astern of the other

    C.passing port to port

    D.passing starboard to starboard

  • 4If your vessel is the stand-on vessel in a crossing situation ______.

    A.you must keep your course and speed

    B.you may change course and speed as the other vessel must keep clear

    C.the other vessel must keep her course and speed

    D.both vessels must keep their course and speed

  • 5A vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver is one which ______.

    A.through some exceptional circumstance is unable to maneuver as required by the Rules

    B.from the nature of her work is unable to maneuver as required by the Rules

    C.due to adverse weather conditions is unable to maneuver as required by the Rules

    D.has lost steering and is unable to maneuver

  • 6It is implied that _______.

    A.the data are incorrect

    B.the data are to be corrected intensively

    C.although the data are accurate enough, you are still advised to use it with caution

    D.not to use it if you have not enough time or proper equipment to effect necessary correction

  • 7There were _______ persons on the bridge when the accident occurred.





  • 8It is inferred that the 2/O was _______ when the close quarter situation was developing.

    A.talking over VHF with the fishing ship

    B.not keeping a proper lookout, and allowed himself to be distracted by his radio conversation with his friend

    C.engaging himself in other things which are more urgent at the moment

    D.keeping a proper lookout but failed to identify the fishing ship

  • 9It can be concluded that ______.

    A.the two ships did not collided each other

    B.the two ships collided each other, but none of them acknowledged the accident

    C.only the fishing ship acknowledged the accident at the moment

    D.only the big ship acknowledged the accident at the moment

  • 10Of the following, ______ is not likely to be the contributing factor of the accident.

    A.the second mate was not keeping a proper look out at the moment

    B.the seaman did not report to 2/O what he saw

    C.the fishing ship was not keeping a proper look out at the moment

    D.in the night it was too dark or too difficult for the crew members to identify each other
