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To tell ______ truth, he is at ______ loss what to do currently.


A./; a

B.the; /

C.the; a

D./; /


  • 1—How do you like ________ charity show last night? ---I should say it was _______ success.

    A.the; /

    B.a; a

    C.the; a

    D.a; /

  • 2Mr. Wang would have continued to lead _____ poor life instead of changing his lifestyle if he hadn't met Mr. Smith by_____ accident who was a businessman.  

    A.the; a

    B.a; the

    C.a; /

    D./; the

  • 3Sometimes in summer, when ______ sun is rising, you can still see ______ clear moon hanging in the sky.

    A.the, the

    B.a, the

    C.the, a

    D.a, a

  • 4General speaking, _____ graduate from _____ well—known university is more likely to find a good job.

    A./, the

    B.a, a

    C.the, a

    D.a, /

  • 5The medical reform in that country proved to be _____ failure, but as we know, success often comes after _____ failure.

    A.a; the

    B.a; /

    C.a; a

    D./; /

  • 6There is no doubt that the Diaoyu Islands are _______ part of China and what some Japanese have done recently is actually ________ offence against Chinese people.

    A.a; /

    B.a; the

    C.the; /

    D./; an

  • 7I had ________ supper at my friend's last Sunday and ________ food was very delicious.

    A.a; the

    B./; /

    C.the; /

    D./; the

  • 8Of all ___ reasons for my decision to go abroad, my father's advice was ___ very important one.

    A.the; /

    B.the; the

    C./; the

    D.the; a

  • 9Nanjing is ______ beautiful city, where you can see ______ famous Changjiang River.

    A.a; the

    B.a; 不填

    C.the; a

    D.不填; the

  • 10Jumping out of ______ airplane at ten thousand feet is quite _______ exciting experience.

    A./; /

    B./; an

    C.an; an

    D.the; the
