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Washing machines made by China have won _____ worldwide attention and Haier has become _____ popular name.


A.a; the

B./; a

C./; the

D.the; a


  • 1— How are your recent trip to Sichuan? — I've never had _____ one before.

    A.a pleasant

    B.a more pleasant

    C.a most pleasant

    D.the most pleasant

  • 2Everything comes with _____ price; there is no such _____ thing as free lunch in the world.

    A.a, a

    B.the, /

    C.the, a

    D.a, /

  • 3Mary got _____ third degree burn, _____ burn that was incurable.

    A.a; a

    B.a; the

    C.the; a

    D.the; the

  • 4It is often said that _____ teachers live _____ very easy life.

    A.the; 不填

    B.不填; a

    C.不填; 不填

    D.the; the

  • 5The Wilsons live in ____A-shaped house near the coast. It is ___17th century cottage

    A.the; /

    B.an; the

    C./ ; the

    D.an; a

  • 6Chile has experienced _____ number of big quakes over its history, including _____ most powerful one in the world that occurred in May l960.

    A.不填; a

    B.the; a

    C.the; the

    D.a; the

  • 7We work together to achieve our common purpose: _____ world that is safer, cleaner and healthier than _____ one we found.

    A.the; the

    B.a; 不填

    C.a; the

    D.the; 不填

  • 8Tom will succeed _____ your property after your death, but I don't think he is _____ success.

    A.in, /

    B.at, a

    C.to, a

    D.from, a

  • 9After graduation I went to Somali

    A.When I first set foot on _______strange land, I didn't know what the future had in _______store for me. A.不填; a

    B.the; the

    C.the; 不填

    D.the; a

  • 10When the ship was on _____ point of sinking, people on ____ board rushed to the bank.

    A.the; 不填

    B.a; a

    C.the; the

    D.不填; the
