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The accident is ________ reminder of the potential dangers involved in ________ oil production in this are


A.A.a; the

B.the; /

C.the; the

D./; a


  • 1Www.sd

    A.gov.cn, which has _____food and drug channel with clear explanations, is_____very popular website.A.a, a

    B.a, the

    C.the, /

    D./ ; a

  • 2Because he is ______head of the government, he is supposed ______.

    A./; to taking

    B./; to take the lead

    C.the; taking the

    D.the; taking

  • 3--- Would you mind giving your advice on how to improve our efficiency? --- If you make _______  most of forty-five minutes classes day after day, there will be _______ switch in grades.

    A./; /

    B.the ; a

    C./; a

    D.the; /

  • 4Qingdao is _____ most beautiful coastal city and I think I'll go there for _____ second time.

    A.a; a

    B.the; a

    C.the; the

    D.the; a

  • 5What _______shame that Tony missed _______ concert by Li Yundi in Han Dan last week.

    A.a; a

    B.a; the

    C.the; a

    D.the; the

  • 6Chengdu is blessed with _______ warm climate, which makes it _______ suitable place to live in.

    A.a; /

    B./; the

    C.a; a

    D.the; the

  • 7I don't think the experiment is ________ failure, because it has provided us with _______ valuable experience for our future tests.

    A.不填; 不填

    B.不填; a

    C.a; a

    D.a; 不填

  • 8— I heard that one of the middle school students died from overwork. — Yes, ______ news came as ______ great shock.

    A.the; /

    B.the; a

    C./; a

    D./; /

  • 9Being able to afford ______ drink would be ______ comfort in those tough times.

    A.the; the

    B.a; a

    C.a; /

    D./; a

  • 10Most workers are in _________ habit of having _________ quick lunch in the company every day.

    A.the; 不填

    B.the; a

    C.a; a

    D.a; 不填
