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In those days, political leaders were not _________.


A.think highly of

B.thought highly

C.thought highly of

D.thinking highly of


  • 1Madam Curie ________ the honors that were given to her in her later years.

    A.took little notice of

    B.took much notice of

    C.had taken little notice of

    D.had taken much notice of

  • 2When you ________ a new word while reading, you can ________ the dictionary.

    A.come with; refer to

    B.hit in; look up

    C.come across; refer to

    D.meet on; look up

  • 3There are many things we need ________ before we buy an expensive product, such as a car or a computer.

    A.taking into consideration

    B.to be taking into consideration

    C.to be taken into consideration

    D.to take into consideration

  • 4I don't think he will ever be able to _________ himself _________ life in that remote place.

    A.adopt; to

    B.adapt; into

    C.adjust; to

    D.suit; for

  • 5_________ Mr Smith is well again, he can go on with his work on time.

    A.Now and then

    B.Now that

    C.The other day

    D.Now just

  • 6He felt as if he alone _________ what had happened.

    A.be responsible to

    B.should be responsible to

    C.be responsible for

    D.were responsible for

  • 7He said he ________ the life at home and wanted to do something useful.

    A.is fed up with

    B.fed up with

    C.was fed up with

    D.was feed up with

  • 8Finally the father succeeded ________ his son ________ the job.

    A.to persuade; to take

    B.in persuading; taking

    C.to persuade; taking

    D.in persuading; to take

  • 9We ________ turns ________ the teacher's questions.

    A.have; to answer

    B.change; to answer

    C.take; to answer

    D.follow; answering

  • 10The dictionary I bought last week is ________ to my translation, but that one is ________.

    A.great help; of any use

    B.a great help; of no use

    C.no help; of no use

    D.a great help; of any use
