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—I've never found a better job.—________.


A.Good luck

B.Too bad


D.Don't worry


  • 1—Could you turn the TV down a little bit?—______.Is it disturbing you?

    A.Take it easy.

    B.I'm sorry.

    C.Not a bit

    D.It depends

  • 2—My son, who is now studying at a university, uses more than 3,000 yuan a month.—Well, tell him to be economical. After all, ________.

    A.money doesn't grow on trees

    B.the morning sun never lasts a day

    C.light come, light go

    D.penny wise, pound foolish

  • 3—Jenny, what would you like to eat for lunch, pizza, pasta or sushi?—________ I have a good appetite.

    A.Sounds good.

    B.You're so considerate.

    C.It's up to you.

    D.B.You're so considerat

    E.C.It's up to you.D.It depends.

  • 4—Your iPad looks nice. Can I borrow it?—________

    A.Help yourself.

    B.Go ahead.

    C.Out of the question.

    D.Come on!

  • 5—Professor Johnson, I'm afraid I can't finish the report within this week.—________. How about next week?

    A.Good for you

    B.It won't bother me

    C.Not at all

    D.That's OK

  • 6—_____?     —You were saying you sold the house and left your hometown.

    A.How come

    B.Like what?

    C.Do you have the time

    D.Where was I

  • 7- How often do you play football?- _______, but usually twice a week.

    A.It all depends

    B.Have no idea

    C.As usual

    D.In fact

  • 8-Do you think he will come to my birthday party?- __________.-That's good. Everybody's expecting him.

    A.You can count on it

    B.I don't know for sure

    C.You can believe him

    D.It depends

  • 9— How do you like Robie?— He has been trying hard at his subjects. _____ he is an excellent student.

    A.No wonder

    B.No problem

    C.No excuse

    D.No doubt

  • 10---- Do remember to charge the battery 12 hours when you first use it.---- _____.

    A.Made it

    B.Got it

    C.Understood it

    D.Remembered it
