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— Learning a language isn't easy. It takes time.     — I agree. ______. There's no short cut.   


A.All roads lead to Rome

B.Rome wasn't built in a day

C.Practice makes perfect

D.Slow but sure wins the race


  • 1—I'm so sorry that I broke your vase.—Oh, really? ________.

    A.All right.

    B.It doesn't matter

    C.It's right with me

    D.I don't care about it

  • 2—Let's have a game of tennis; the loser has to treat the other to a hot dog.—________.

    A.I'm afraid so

    B.It's a deal

    C.You've got a point

    D.My treat

  • 3—Would she mind playing against her former teammates?—________ She is willing to play against any tough players.

    A.I think so.

    B.I'm not surprised.

    C.Of course.

    D.C.Of cours

    E.D.Not likely!

  • 4—Shall we go to Xufu Cultural Fair right away?—________.

    A.It's your opinion

    B.I don't mind

    C.That's your decision

    D.It's all up to you

  • 5—Do you have Mary's phone number?—Sorry, ________.

    A.I don't know

    B.forget it

    C.here you are

    D.I can't remember it

  • 6—  Since you can't find a better job, why don't you stick to the present one?—  Well, ________.

    A.I believe not

    B.I might as well

    C.I don't care

    D.never mind

  • 7— Would you care for a drink?— No, thanks.I________.

    A.would rather not

    B.wouldn't like to

    C.would like to

    D.prefer to have one

  • 8— What about seeing the new movie at the theatre tonight?— ________

    A.Never mind.

    B.Not at all.

    C.Why not?

    D.So what?

  • 9—Whose advice do you think I should take?    —You decide. ______   

    A.It's up to you

    B.You speak

    C.That's it

    D.You got it

  • 10—Don't forget to phone me when you get to New York.Just let me know you've arrived safely.—I won't forget.Goodbye then.—________.

    A.With pleasure

    B.Have a nice trip

    C.Don't mention it

    D.It's very nice of you
