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—You won't believe it, Sam. I was chosen as an exchange student to Chin


A.—Congratulations! __________A.You got it.

B.You did a good job.

C.That's all right.

D.That's something.


  • 1-Mary has just broken up with her boyfriend.       -_________? I don't want to fall in love with her.       

    A.What if

    B.What's wrong

    C.What about you

    D.What of it

  • 2-I think you'd better type this letter again before Mr. Smith sees it.      -Oh,dear!__________

    A.Who cares?

    B.No problem.

    C.I don't mind at all.

    D.Is it as bad as that?

  • 3-Do you think our national women's volleyball team will win the gold medal at the 2012 London Olympic Games? - ______ .After all,ours is no longer the strongest in the world.

    A.Of course

    B.It depends

    C.Don't mention it

    D.I hope so

  • 4-May I ask a favour of you?- ______ .

    A.It's my pleasure

    B.I've no time

    C.Ask please

    D.Sure,go ahead

  • 5—It shouldn't take long to clear up after the party if we all volunteer to help.  —That's right. ______ .   

    A.Many hands make light work

    B.Something is better than nothing

    C.The more the merrier

    D.The sooner begun,the sooner done

  • 6--Go for a picnic this weekend, OK?     ---_______. I love getting close to nature.       

    A.I don't think so

    B.I'm afraid not

    C.I believe not

    D.I couldn't agree more

  • 7---I'm afraid I must be going now. I'll come to see you before long.  ---_______.   

    A.That's OK

    B.Go slowly

    C.No problem

    D.Take care

  • 8-Shall we go Dutch this dinner?        -Forget it.__________today.     

    A.It's OK

    B.This is my treat

    C.I can't agree more

    D.No problem

  • 9— Can I get you a cup of tea? —__________.

    A.That's very kind of you

    B.With pleasure

    C.You can, please

    D.Thank you for the tea

  • 10--Shall I give you a ride to the Capital Airport?    --Thank you.________.     

    A.If you like

    B.It couldn't be better

    C.Of course, you can

    D.It's up to you
