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-Just a moment.I haven't finished packing my suitcase.-________.It's high time we left for the airport.


A.Go ahead

B.Take it easy

C.Hurry up

D.That's fine


  • 1—Good morning, Grand hotel—Good morning, I'd like to book a meeting room for the time from 3p.m. to 6p.m. this afternoon. — ______.         

    A.What can I do for you?

    B.Just a minute, please!

    C.What's the matter?

    D.I don't car

  • 2— Hello, Sally. How's everything going?   — __________ .

    A.The same to you

    B.Not too bad

    C.That's right

    D.I can't agree more

  • 3-The boys are not doing a good job at all,are they? -_______     

    A.I guess not so

    B.I don't guess

    C.I don't guess so

    D.I guess not

  • 4-I didn't do well in the last English contest. How about you.-_________.   

    A.I'll do better next time

    B.Even worse

    C.A lot better

    D.I like English, though

  • 5-Thank you for your immediate help.        -________.   

    A.Your pleasure

    B.My pleasure

    C.All right

    D.No thanks

  • 6--- Shall I open the window to let some fresh air in?--- No,______ . 

    A.I'd rather not

    B.I'd rather you not

    C.I'd rather you didn't

    D.I'd like not to

  • 7—Tonight's show is a fantastic one that you shouldn't miss. —_____ , but I have to work overtime at my office.

    A.It doesn't matter

    B.I wish I could

    C.Never mind

    D.I'm working on it

  • 8-Would you mind my coming over and having a look at your new garden?My little son's curious about those roses you grow. - ______ .You're welcome.

    A.Yes,I do

    B.Never mind


    D.Not at all

  • 9—It shouldn't take long to clear up after the party if we all volunteer to help.  —That's right. ______ .   

    A.Many hands make light work

    B.Something is better than nothing

    C.The more the merrier

    D.The sooner begun,the sooner done

  • 10-May I ask a favour of you?- ______ .

    A.It's my pleasure

    B.I've no time

    C.Ask please

    D.Sure,go ahead
