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— According to my grandma, it's a good idea to eat chicken soup when you have a cold.— ____, scientists agree with her.


A.Sooner or later

B.Once in a while

C.To be exact

D.Believe it or not.


  • 1It's so nice to hear from her.________, we last met more than thirty years ago.

    A.What's more

    B.That is to say

    C.In other words

    D.Believe it ornot

  • 2--- Is Mr. Fan there? There is something I really need to talk to him about.    --- No, he is out. _____?     

    A.What's that

    B.What do you want to say

    C.Can I take a message for him

    D.Can you trust me

  • 3-John is said to have learned Italian in Italy for five years.   -________ he speaks it like a native speaker.

    A.No doubt

    B.No wonder

    C.No problem

    D.No curiosity

  • 4-Would you have your family get-together this New Year's Day?   -_________ We are busy working now.    

    A.No way

    B.Not possible

    C.Not chance

    D.Not at all

  • 5—Can I have a day off tomorrow, Mr. Johnson?—__________. I can manage without you.

    A.Forget it

    B.I'm afraid not

    C.It depends

    D.Of course

  • 6-I'm so cold.I think I've caught a high fever.- ________.

    A.Oh,it must be H1N1

    B.Never mind

    C.You'd better see a doctor

    D.That's all right
