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— How did you find your visit to the museum, Jack? — _____.


A.By taking a No.7 bus

B.Oh, wonderful, indeed

C.A friend showed me the way there

D.I went there alone


  • 1— Hi, Jane. I'm having a driving test tomorrow and I believe I'll pass it. — _____!


    B.Good luck


    D.Enjoy yourself

  • 2— I have to get to the post office by six o'clock, but it is almost six now. — _______. This clock is fifteen minutes fast.

    A.That's too bad

    B.Sounds good

    C.Sure, you can

    D.Take it easy

  • 3— I've studied growing plants as one of my interests. Could I make some suggestions?— ______.

    A.You will make it

    B.Go right ahead.

    C.Don't mention it

    D.Take it easy

  • 4— It shouldn't take long to clear up after the party if we all volunteer to help. — That's right. ______.

    A.Many hands make light work

    B.Something is better than nothing

    C.The more, the merrier

    D.The sooner begin, the sooner done

  • 5— How did you find Jennifer Yuh's new film Kung Fu. Panda 2?— _____.

    A.Oh, wonderful indeed !

    B.I went to the cinema alone.

    C.First by train and then by ship.

    D.A guide showed me the way.

  • 6— Do you mind if I open the window?— ______ I feel a bit cold.

    A.Of course not.

    B.I'd rather you didn't.

    C.Go ahea

    D.D.Why not?

  • 7— Shall we phone Mary and say sorry to her? — _____ It was our fault.

    A.No way.

    B.Why not?

    C.Not at all.

    D.Not possibl

  • 8— How fine the weather is! Why don't we go out for a walk?— ________. Let's go!

    A.No, thanks

    B.Good idea

    C.With pleasure

    D.Pardon me

  • 9— Could you do me a favour to take a message for Jack?— _______.

    A.A pleasure

    B.My pleasure

    C.With pleasure

    D.It's a pleasure

  • 10— See the gathering clouds outside? Please take this umbrella with you.— ________.

    A.Thanks. Take it easy

    B.OK, just in case

    C.Well, it just depends

    D.All right, I'll try my luck
