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— Do you mind if I open the window?—  _______ I feel a bit cold.


A.Of course not.

B.Go ahead.

C.I'd rather you didn't.

D.Why not?


  • 1— How about seeing the new movie tonight?— _____,but I've got to go over my notes for tomorrow's exam.

    A.I'm fine

    B.That sounds fine

    C.I can't

    D.Yes, I am terribly sorry

  • 2— Hello, Mr. Smith. This is Larry Jackson. I am afraid I won't be able to arrive on time for     the meeting in your office.—  ________. We'll wait for you.

    A.Hurry up

    B.No doubt

    C.Cheer up

    D.That's all right

  • 3— You look so puzzled. What's up?— ______ I can't find any solution to the problem.

    A.Don't bother me.

    B.That's not the point.

    C.I'm stuck.

    D.See what I mean?

  • 4— How do you like our town? — ________. It's worth visiting a second time.

    A.You've got it

    B.It's your turn

    C.It's fascinating

    D.Up to you

  • 5一 I'd like to take a week's holiday. 一 _____.We're too busy.

    A.Don't worry

    B.Don't mention it

    C.Pardon me

    D.Forget it

  • 6— Everybody is going to climb the mountain. Can I go, too, mom?— _______ Wait till you are old enough.

    A.Will you?

    B.Why not?

    C.I hope so.

    D.I'm afraid not.

  • 7— James, I am sorry I used your computer when you were away this morning.— _____.

    A.That's all right

    B.It's a pleasure

    C.You are welcome

    D.Don't mention it

  • 8— Can I speak to Mr. Wang , please ?— _____.  

    A.Who are you ?

    B.I'm Wang .


    D.Are you john ?

  • 9— Would you mind if I opened the window now? — ______. It's OK with me.

    A.I wouldn't mind

    B.With pleasure

    C.By all means

    D.You are welcome

  • 10— There are so many dishes to wash. May I lend you a hand? —  _____ I can manage it.

    A.Yes, with pleasure.

    B.Why not?

    C.No,thank you.

    D.will you?
