来源:长理培训发布时间:2018-08-10 21:38:55
most expensive movie ever made
China's"most expensive movie ever made"is one of the biggest flops the world has ever seen."Asura",an epic fantasy film with a$113 million budget from financiers including Alibaba Pictures,was pulled from Chinese cinemas after its opening weekend,when it made just over$7 million.
有媒体称,《阿修罗(Asura)》制作方曾希望将此片打造成类似于《指环王(The Lord of the Rings)》的奇幻系列电影(fantasy franchise)。制作方在微博发文称糟糕的票房是蓄意破坏的结果(blame the abysmal box office showing on sabotage),指控有人涌入移动售票平台猫眼电影发表负面评论(trolls had flooded the mobile-ticketing platform Maoyan with negative reviews),导致了该片票房的惨败。
虽然观众评分(audience scores)可能对影片票房有一定影响,但影片失败的原因很可能还包括拙劣的营销(poor marketing)、对粉丝口味把握不到位等。此外,《阿修罗》上映时遭遇了喜剧电影(comedy-drama)《我不是药神(Dying to Survive)》等片的强有力竞争,该片上周末票房收入6900万美元,总票房已超过3.5亿美元。
令人震惊的1.06亿美元的亏损(a staggering$106 million loss)让《阿修罗》成为世界范围内最失败的影片之一。《辛巴达七海传奇(Sinbad:Legend of the Seven Seas)》亏损了1.25亿美元,是史上最失败的影片(the biggest flop ever)。与《阿修罗》有一拼的美国影片(a close analog to Asura in the US)是埃迪·墨菲主演的科幻喜剧(sci-fi comedy)《星际冒险王(The Adventures of Pluto Nash)》。据报道,该片耗资1亿美元拍摄,票房收入仅为700万美元。
大制作电影high-budget film
暂停全国放映suspend the national release
提高行业门槛raise the bar for the industry
奇幻片或科幻片fantasy or sci-fi films