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来源:长理培训发布时间:2018-08-04 14:03:52

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  Promoting the Eco-civilization Construction with a Higher Theoretical Consciousness 
  Huan Qingzhi 
  A special attention should be paid to a large-scale or structural change in the elaboration on eco-civilization construction in President Xi Jinping’s report at the 19th CPC National Congress. As a result, a better understanding and implementation of the national strategy to powerfully propel eco-civilization construction is more clearly established in the grand framework and context of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. Accordingly, as an organic component of the socialist ideology, President Xi’s eco-civilization thought or the outlook of socialist eco-civilization should be further emphasized for its important role in directing the systematic reform of eco-civilization and guiding the building of a beautiful China. 
  Comparison, Integration and Transcendence: A Review on the Environmental Political Research of Professor Huan QingzhiLi Xinlei 
  Professor Huan Qingzhi is committed to the systematic construction of Chinese environmental politics by taking the humanistic care and green rationality of contemporary Chinese scholars as his responsibility. As far as the research range is concerned, his study has undergone three evolutionary stages: from the green party politics, to the comparative environmental politics in the perspective of international vision, and then to the environmental politics in the perspective of civilization transformation. As far as the research issues are concerned, his research covers three kinds of environmental ecologism, which are “deep-green”,“red-green” and “light-green”, which are classified according to their politically radical degree. On the basis of a comparative reference to the western and Chinese environmental and political ideas and practices, the professor insists on―in the perspective of civilization transformation―promoting a development-alternative ecological strategy which embodies real green revolutionary changes and feasible practices to move with the times. Specifically speaking,he has made great theoretical contributions to the research of green party politics, comparative environmental politics, the Left Green theory, socialist ecological civilization and so on. All his efforts provide a forward-looking academic reference for the improvement of China’s ecological environment protection and the development of environmental politics which are at a significant turning stage. This paper analyzes the research schema of Professor Huan Qingzhi in three dimensions, namely,“comparison”,“integration” and “transcendence”, in order to provide an over-arching framework for the readers to understand his logic of research.   Environmental Politics in the Perspective of Civilizational Transformation: An Interview with Professor Huan QingzhiHuan Qingzhi & Hu Yingfeng 
  An overview of the research work by Professor Huan Qingzhi at Peking University during the past decades to a large extent reveals the development of environmental politics as a discipline in China. This dialogue starts with Researcher Hu’s definition and redefinition of environmental politics and focuses on one of his major arguments on environmental politics study in China that Chinese scholars have gradually turned their attention to “China-oriented” issues and begun their research from a perspective of civilizational transformation. In his opinion, this broader perspective helps us to better understand that the “green” development should be the long-term theme of environmental politics in China today. Moreover, he argues that it is not just a task for Chinese scholars to broaden their horizon of environmental politics, because the relationship between democratic politics in a rational sense and realizing a comprehensive transformation is far from an issue with a clear answer, and this difficulty is shown in the western cases during the 2008-2010 economic crisis. Therefore, from his point of view, there is no reason to overestimate the achievements of environmental politics study in China in the past decades; however, it is also quite true that Chinese scholars are now ready to equally participate in the global efforts to promote a green reconstruction of modern civilization. 
  Marx’s Ecological NotebooksKohei Saito 
  Marx’s Scientific Notebooks have shown readers more information about Marx’s ecological thoughts with the successively publishing of MEGAⅡ. During the writing of Capital, Marx had read a lot of scientific works with ecological ideas by many thinkers, such as Liebig, Malthus, Darwin, Schorlemmer, Johnston, Anderson, Fraas, Tuckett, Kirchhof and Lavergne, etc. Capital not only elaborates the surplus theory, but also explores the logic relationship between the process of the valorization and accumulation of capital and the deterioration of environment and ecosystem. Besides the soil issues related to the environment, Marx had paid special attention to deforestation, climate change and even animal species. 
  Burkett on the Ecological Dimension of Marx’s Theory of “Free Appropriation”Peng Xuenong 
  In response to the criticism that Marx’s theory of “free appropriation” underestimated the importance of natural conditions, Burkett pointed out that “free appropriation” only means that wage labor does not materialize into natural and social conditions, but it does not mean that these conditions have no wider use value except capital accumulation. Therefore, there is no contradiction between the “free”, the limited, and the scarce. Those who criticize the theory of “free appropriation” do not recognize the important position of the theory in Marx’s ecology. Burkett’s elucidation of the theory is helpful to further understand the logic of Capital and logic of neo-imperialism in the aspect of uniting “free appropriation” and value created by labor.   Dialectical Features of Marx and Engels’ Ecological ThoughtsQu Yige 
  The development process of Marx and Engels’ ecological thoughts is the development process of dialectical materialism, which has the characteristics of historical interconnectedness, systematic integrity, and logical expansibility. Marx and Engels’ interpretation of the dialectical development of ecological thought has double dimensions: at the micro level, starting with the historical interconnectedness of the development of nature and human society, Marx and Engels clarified the historical unification of nature’s priority status and humanization nature and demonstrated the dialectical relationship between natural systems and social systems as a whole; at the macro level, the ecological thoughts of Marx and Engels basically follows the inner dialectical logic of the negation of “ecological unity―ecological alienation―ecological freedom”. The dialectical characteristics of Marx and Engels’ ecological thoughts require that the complexity and diversity of ecological development be examined, and that the theory of inclusiveness invite a positive exchange and dialogue in the global perspective and seek common development. 
  Promoting the Construction of Ecological Civilization in the New Era Based on the General Layout of “Five in One”Guo Xiuqing 
  Ecological civilization construction is an important part of the overall layout of “Five in One”. The 19th National Congress of CPC mentioned the unprecedented status of ecological civilization construction, and clearly stated that it is a matter of extreme importance to the sustainable development of our country. To facilitate the construction of ecological civilization in the new era, we should adhere to the general layout of “Five in One”, integrate ecological civilization into economic construction, and improve the ecological protection system and mechanism; we should also combine ecological civilization with cultural construction, cultivate a socialist outlook of ecological civilization; then we should connect ecological civilization with social construction so as to form a multi-dimensional framework of environmental governance. Only by advancing the construction of ecological civilization from the perspective of the overall cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics can we achieve the goal of building a prosperous, democratic, morally advanced, harmonious and beautiful modern power in the new era. 
  Ecological Thought in Traditional Culture and Its Implications for the New Era   The Decline of the Landscape Spirit and the Evolution of the Sense of Nature: A Study Centered on Eroshenko’s Fairy Tales and Little John Translated by Lu XunZhang Suli 
  Since late Qing Dynasty, with the gradual introduction of modern western discourse, the implications of “nature” have undergone unprecedented changes. The landscape spirit that “the whole world and I are one” has declined. Words like nature, heaven, harmony etc., have been replaced by brand new enlightening vocabulary of science, democracy, development, independence, and so on. As a writer and translator with a clear awareness of ecological sensitivity in modern times, Lu Xun in his(translation)works intuitively and deeply unveils scholars’ changing concept of nature in the era of Republic of China. These works preserve and display in a sensible manner the complex process of the evolution of concept of “nature” in the context of modern and contemporary culture, reflecting the polyphonic characteristics of the times. 
  The Regional Writing as a Method: Regional Writing and Nation Identity in Aitmatov’s Later NovelsXiang Jieru 
  Aitmatov has constructed the typical regional writing in his later novels. On one hand, the regional landscape and the situation of people’s “sense of place” or “the sense of non-place” has formed a representation of culture in a direct sense. On the other hand, the“place identity” has been replaced by the “ecological identity” through the other dimension of regional writing―ecological writing and the author’s stand on cosmopolitanism has been revealed. Finally, Aitmatov’s tensional thinking of nation has shown a clearer way of understanding the link between literature and nationality in the Soviet period. 
  Tools for a Cross-Cultural Feminist Ethics: Exploring Ethical Contexts and Contents in the Makah Whale HuntGreta Garrd 
  Antiracist white feminists and ecofeminists have the tools but lack the strategies for responding to issues of social and environmental justice cross-culturally, particularly in matters as complex as the Makah whale hunt. Distinguishing between ethical contexts and contents, I draw on feminist critiques of cultural essentialism, ecofeminist critiques of hunting and food consumption, and socialist feminist analyses of colonialism to develop antiracist feminist and ecofeminist strategies for cross-cultural communication and cross-cultural feminist ethics.




  • 讲师:刘萍萍 / 谢楠
  • 课时:160h
  • 价格 4580





  • 讲师:崔莹莹 / 刘萍萍
  • 课时:180h
  • 价格 3580



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