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来源:长理培训发布时间:2018-06-27 13:45:51

  Michael,a typical American,stays home on workdays. He plugs into his personal computer terminal in order to connect with the office. After work,he puts on his headphones,watches a movie on his home video recorder,or plays baseball on the computer. On many days,Michael doesn't talk to any other ,and he doesn't see any people except the ones on television. Michael is ,but his lifestyle is very possible. The invention of modern technology seems to be cutting us off from with our fellow human beings. 
  The world of is one area in which technology is isolating us. Experts say,,that many people will soon be able to work at home. With to a large central computer,employees such as office clerks,insurance agents,and accountants could do their jobs at display terminals in their own homes. They would never have to see the people they're dealing with. ,the way employees are paid will change. Workers' salaries will be paid into their bank accounts,making paper checks . No workers will stand in line to receive their pay or cash their checks. Personal banking will change,too. Customers will deal with to put in or take out money from their accounts. 
  Another area that technology is changing is enter?鄄tainment. Music,,was once a group experience. People listened to music at concert halls or in small social gatherings. For many people now,,music is an individual experience. Walking along the street or sitting in their living rooms,they wear headphones to build a wall of music around them. Movie entertainment is changing,too. Movies used to be events. Now,fewer people are going out to see a movie. Many more are choosing to wait for a film to appear on television or are borrowing videotapes to watch at home. laughing with others,viewers watch movies in their own living rooms. 
  1. A. human beings B. colleagues 
  C. family members D. employees 
  2. A. fortunate B. dominant 
  C. fashionable D. imaginary 
  3. A. contact B. combination 
  C. friendship D. cooperation 
  4. A. recreation B. industry 
  C. business D. consumption 
  5. A. in addition B. for example 
  C. however D. no doubt 
  6. A. opening B. permission 
  C. guidance D. access   7. A. exactly B. actually 
  C. apparently D. casually 
  8. A. In particular B. In addition 
  C. However D. On the contrary 
  9. A. immediately B. monthly 
  C. absolutely D. automatically 
  10. A. available B. unnecessary 
  C. essential D. temporary 
  11. A. machines B. bank clerks 
  C. accountants D. insurance agents 
  12. A. for instance B. on the other hand 
  C. instead D. inevitably 
  13. A. however B. besides 
  C. furthermore D. meanwhile 
  14. A. individual B. social 
  C. affordable D. amusing 
  15. A. By B. Because of C. In D. Instead of 
  Keys:1―5 ADACB 6―10 DBBDB 
  11―15 AAABD 
  1. After work,Michael likes to ______. 
  A. listen to music at the concert hall 
  B. watch a movie in his living room 
  C. run a program on his computer in his office 
  D. play baseball with his workmates 
  2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage? 
  A. Clerks will be able to work at home. 
  B. One can play baseball on the computer. 
  C. One can listen to music without disturbing others. 
  D. One can borrow books from libraries at home. 
  3. What will the author most probably discuss after the last paragraph? 
  A. Games and sports. 
  B. Personal banking. 
  C. Music and films. 
  D. International business. 
  4. What is the main idea of the passage? 
  A. We may no longer need to communicate with other human beings. 
  B. Modern technology seems to be separating human beings. 
  C. We may no longer need to work in the office. 
  D. Modern technology makes it possible for us to work and entertain ourselves at home. 
  1. 选B。细节理解题。可以在第一段第三句找到答案。 
  2. 选D。第二段提到可以在家里办公,第一段提到可以在电脑上玩棒球,第三段提到戴上耳机听音乐是很私人的事情。只有D项没有提及。 
  3. 选A。题干问:"文章接下来可能会谈论什么?"运用排除法,排除已经涉及了的内容。所以,答案为A。 
  4. 选B。阅读理解首先要关注文章结构和写作特点,文章第一段的最后一句可以说是本文的"中心句",语言具有抽象概括的特点,"现代科技的发明似乎割裂了人与人之间的联系"。答案B的表述与第一段最后"中心句"(主题句)异曲同工。 




  • 讲师:刘萍萍 / 谢楠
  • 课时:160h
  • 价格 4580





  • 讲师:崔莹莹 / 刘萍萍
  • 课时:180h
  • 价格 3580



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