- 讲师:刘萍萍 / 谢楠
- 课时:160h
- 价格 4580 元
《道德经》作为世界典籍翻译排行榜上仅次于《圣经》的第二大源语文本,深受西方读者的关注,现已有超过130个英译本(辛红娟,2008),据其译本时间可划分为三个翻译高峰期。20世纪60年代的女权主义运动使得社会性别得到空前关注。《道德经》第三次翻译高峰(1972―2004年)以第一部女性参与翻译的、由冯家富和英格里希合译的《老子〈道德经〉新译》为开端。此后又出现了女性译者独立完成的译本,如Ellen Marie Chen(1989)、Ursula K. Le Guin(1997)、Lee Sun Chen Org(2000)和ChaoHsiu Chen(2004)等。个体化层级是系统功能语言学的新研究热点,据此提出了个体化翻译研究视角,而译者性别是个体化翻译的重要因素之一(王汐、杨炳钧,2015)。本文依据个体化翻译,以词汇密度和语法难度作为判断译本特征的指标,从词汇、句法和语气三个层面考察译者性别对《道德经》英译本语言特征的影响,并总结男性译本和女性译本所呈现的特征。
本研究选取六个《道德经》英译本:三个女性译本(Chen,1989;Guin,1997;Chen,2004)和三个男性译本(He et al.,1985;Mair,1990;Gu,1995),从词汇、句法和语气三个层面对比和分析,探究译者性别对译本语言特征的影响。
对"长生"的翻译,女性译者选择动词词组,如"last long"(Chen,1989),"go on and on"(Guin),"live for ever"(Chen,2004);男性译者选择名词或名词词组,如"longevity"(He et al.),"long-lived"(Mair),"eternal life"(Gu)。
对"居"和"地"的翻译,女性译者选取了较为口语化的名词和动词,如"dwelling""land"(Chen,1989),"house""earth"(Guin),"settle""ground"(Chen,2004);男性译者Mair选用较为书面化的词汇"abode""location",He et al.和Gu采取了意译的翻译方法,将其译为"lowness"和"low place...as water"。对"善"的翻译,女性译者选择较为生动的形容词"good""quiet";男性译者选用较为抽象的名词"quality""goodness"。
在翻译"还"时,女性译者将其翻译为较为口语化的词汇"returning(huan)"(Chen,1989),"backfires"(Guin)和"return"(Chen,2004);男性译者则选择更为书面化的"requital"(He et al.)"boomerang"(Mair)和"retaliatory"(Gu)。
Chen(1989):Projects are carried out by good talents,activities are good in timing.
Guin(1997):The good of work is skill,and of action,timing.
Chen(2004):It adapts to all necessities./It moves at the right moment. He et al.(1985):He is competent in deeds,/He is timely in action.
Mair(1990):The quality of an enterprise depends on ability,the quality of movement depends on timing.
Gu(1995):He does a thing as properly as water,/He takes action as timely as water.
在翻�g小句复合体时,所有男性译者都采用了排比句式,如"he is...in...,he is...in...""the quality of...depends on...,the quality of...depends on...""he...as...as...,he...as...as...",以保持形式统一;女性译者并未使用排比结构,而是选择更为随意的句式。
Chen(1989):To give birth yet not to claim possession(yu),/To act(wei)yet not to hold on to,/To grow(chang)yet not to lord over(tsai).
Guin(1997):To bear and not own,/to act and not lay claim,/to lead and not to rule.
Chen(2004):Can one give life and grow life and yet claim no possession?/Can one supervise and benefit others,yet exercise no authority and rely on no pride?
He et al.(1985):To beget all things,but not to take possession of them,/To advance them,/but not to take credit for doing so,/To be leader but not master of them.
Mair(1990):It gives birth to them and nurtures them,/It gives birth to them but does not possess them,/It rears them but does not control them.
Gu(1995):Giving all things life and propagation/Without claiming to be their owner,/Benefiting them without claiming to be their benefactor,And being their head without ruling them.
在翻译小句复合体时,女性译者(除了Chen,2004)都使用了较为简洁的表达,省略参与者(Participant)而只用过程(Process);男性译者均选择完整的表达方式,将参与者、过程,甚至环境成分都译出,如He et al."To advance(过程)them(参与者), but not to take(过程)credit(参与者)for doing so(环境成分)"。
Chen(1989):To know(chih)the white(pe),/But to abide(shou)by the black(heh),/Is to be the model(shih)of the world.
Guin(1997):Knowing light,/and staying dark,/be a pattern to the world.
Chen(2004):Recognize the white - the yang,/guard the black - the yin./Be a model under Heaven.
He et al.(1985):He who knows the white(glory)but keeps to the black(obscure),is ready to be the(divination)instrument of under Heaven.
Mair(1990):Know whiteness,/Maintain blackness,/and be a model for all under heaven.
Gu(1995):Though knowing what is honor,/You are ready to play the role of the disgraced/And content to be a valley in the world.
同样,女性译者以相对简单的句式翻译小句复合体,均采用"过程+参与者"的结构(如"know the white""staying dark")和并列逻辑关系;而男性译者选用较为复杂的句式,如He et al.使用包含并列小句复合体的内嵌小句,Gu使用并列和从属两类逻辑关系的小句复合体。
表2为例(5)―例(7)词汇密度和语法难度的数据,数据显示女性译本的词汇密度平均值均低于男性译本,女性译本的语法难度均等于或高于男性译本。因此,男性译本在风格上更接近书面文本,女性译本更接近口语文本,具体体现在:(1)女性译者倾向于使用简单句和并列关系小句复合体,男性译者倾向于使用复合句,如内嵌句和从属关系小句复合体;(2)女性译者倾向于使用更为简洁的表达,以核心过程进行翻译,省略不必要的功能成分,男性译者倾向于使用更为完整的结构,包含参与者和环境成分;(3)女性译者在句式形式上较为随意,男性译者倾向于使用形式上更为一致的排比句式。 Chen(2004):Unfortunately the great ruler of ten thousand chariots governs the country indiscreetly.
He et al.(1985):How is it that a lord of ten thousand chariots belittles his own importance under Heaven?
Mair(1990):How then should a king with ten thousand chariots conduct himself lightly before all under heaven?
Gu(1995):Why should a ruler of ten thousand chariots/ Take reckless action to govern the empire.
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