- 讲师:刘萍萍 / 谢楠
- 课时:160h
- 价格 4580 元
【摘要】 目的 比较纱布吸痰法和常规吸痰管吸痰法在小儿尿道下裂手术的应用效果,寻找一种小儿手术麻醉术中简单、实用、安全的呼吸道管理方法。方法 580例婴幼儿尿道下裂手术患儿随机分成两组:手术中在患者口角放一块纱布,头偏向一侧,并适当抬高对侧肩部,以利口腔内分泌物引流(C组);另一组摆同样的体位,在有痰鸣音时用负压吸痰器吸痰(S组)。结果 C组患儿手术中生命体征平稳,麻醉用药少,并发症少(P< 0.05)。结论 纱布吸痰法在小儿尿道下裂手术中的呼吸道管理效果理想,值得临床推广。
【关键词】 纱布;麻醉;尿道下裂;骶管;手术
Exploratory development of the method in aspiration sputum by carbasus in the patients of hypospadia' operation
【Abstract】 Objective To contrast the effectiveness with sputum aspirator being used carbasus or common practice of sputum aspirator in pedo-hypospadia operation,we can search a safe,simple and practical procedure to the respiratory passage of the pedo-operations in anaesthesia.Methods Five hundreds and eighty infants underwent hypospadia operation were fractionated into two groups randomly:we put a carbasus in the patients' buccal cavity with the head lateral aside and raised the shoulder in the opposite side properly (C group).The others were used sputum aspirator when the patients had sputum in cavum oris putting the same body position(S group).Results The C group patients in the operation had more equability vital sign and less complication(P< 0.05).Conclusion We may presumed above the research that the effectivenesses are ideal with carbasus sputum aspirators being used in the pedo-hypospadia operations and it is worth to be generalized.
【Key words】 carbasus;anaesthesia;hypospadia;canalis sacralis;operation
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料 我们选用ASA~Ⅱ级、择期行尿道下裂手术的患儿580例,均为手术前没有呼吸道感染,及其他影响呼吸道的疾病如扁桃体、腺样体肥大的患儿;年龄6个月~12岁,体重8~36kg,随机分为两组,每组290例:一组在麻醉后、手术中,用负压吸痰器吸痰,保持呼吸道通畅(S组);另外一组用一块无菌纱布放在口角,以利虹吸口内分泌物,维持上呼吸道通畅(C组)。
1.2 麻醉方法 术前常规禁食6h,禁饮4h,术前30min肌肉注射阿托品0.01mg/kg,鲁米那2mg/kg。肌肉注射6mg/kg基础麻醉后入手术室,建立静脉通路后,按常规实施改良法骶管阻滞,用7号注射针头刺破骶尾韧带刺入骶管腔,注入1%利多卡因与0.20%布比卡因混合液(加1∶200000的肾上腺素)。混合局麻药,用量按患儿体重计算:0.8ml/kg;随即取仰卧位,垫高肩部,头偏向一侧,以利呼吸道通畅和吸痰。术中用3mg/(kg·h)异丙酚维持麻醉,手术开始时,给予力月西0.1mg/kg;氯胺酮2mg/kg。膀胱造瘘后停用所有麻醉药品。在手术中,可以根据患儿疼痛程度,静脉注射氯胺酮1mg/kg。
1.3 术中术后管理 术中监测无创血压(NBP)、心电图(ECG)、脉搏血氧饱和度(SpO2)、心率(HR)、呼吸状态和次数(RR)。在用吸痰器吸痰时,要注意负压吸引的压力,以免损伤口腔黏膜。在纱布吸痰法中,要及时更换纱布或换边,以达到最好的虹吸效果。同时,详细记录患儿的生命体征变化、误吸次数、缺氧次数、麻醉药用量、苏醒时间、术后肺部感染。患儿苏醒后送返病室,监测生命体征8h;并睡成侧俯卧位,以便口内分泌物引流,S组患儿继续用吸痰器吸痰;C组患儿继续用纱布吸痰(见图1,图2)。
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