- 讲师:刘萍萍 / 谢楠
- 课时:160h
- 价格 4580 元
【关键词】 种植体;螺纹;稳定性
The effect of dual threads design on stability of implants
【Abstract】 Objective The aim was to study the effect of dual thread implants upon stability by comparing single traditional thread implants. Methods A total of 24 fixtures (12 dual threads and 12 single thread implants) were placed into edentulous mandible of 12 mongrel dogs, and animals were sacrificed for histomorphometry after loaded 3 months. Stability of implants was measured by RFA regularly.Results There was no significant difference between both groups about stability at all periods and histomorphometry, but ISQ, BIC and BA of experimental group were higher than control group, and ISQ recovered more quickly in experimental group after loaded.Conclusion Dual threads design contributes to assure the initial and secondary stability of implants, which is particularly important in poor density bone.
【Key words】 implant; thread; stability
1 材料与方法
1.1 种植体及实验分组 实验组种植体为新型螺纹设计种植体,在初级螺纹上再次进行切割形成双梯形螺纹结构,初级螺纹间距为0.8mm,螺纹的角图1 在初级螺纹上再次进行切割形成双梯形螺纹结构 度为60°,具体型见图1;对照组为"V"形单螺纹种植体螺纹间距为0.6mm,螺纹的角度也为60°,所有种植体表面均经RBM(Resorbable blast media)处理,直径为4.0mm,长度分别为11.5mm。每种种植体取6颗分别植入12条成年杂种狗,体重为20~25kg(种植体由韩国奥齿泰公司提供Osstem Bio,Korea.见图2,3)。
1.2 手术过程 经全身麻醉(Ketamine 10mg/kg及Rumpun 5mg/kg im)后,拔除实验动物双侧下颌前图2 双梯形螺纹种植体图3 单"V"形螺纹种植体磨牙。愈合3个月后,在前磨牙区顺牙槽嵴顶切开翻瓣,行逐级备洞后分别植入种植体,种植机转速控制在l,500rpm以下,同时持续给予大量生理盐水冷却。最后将龈瓣复位,行间断缝合。3个月后再次切开,连接实心基台,行单个树脂冠修复,调整咬合,进行负重。负重3个月后分别将动物处死获取标本。
1.3 种植体稳定度的测量 种植体在植入、修复、负重1个月、负重2个月及处死时分别应用共振频率分析(Resonance Frequency Analysis, RFA)测量种植体的稳定度。Osstell装置是一种可临床应用的共振频率分析仪(OstellTM, Intrgration Diagnostics,Goteberge, Sweden),在测量种植体稳定度时,Osstell装置的数值有两种表示方法:一种为共振频率(Hz);另一种为种植体稳定系数(Implant stability quotient,ISQ), ISQ值的大小表示了种植体骨界面的刚性强度。在本实验中,我们采用ISQ记数模式来测定种植体的稳定度,ISQ数值由1到100,数值越大表示种植体具有越好的稳定度。在实验中每一回均测量3次,取其平均值。
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