- 讲师:刘萍萍 / 谢楠
- 课时:160h
- 价格 4580 元
[关键词] 腰椎间盘突出症;破裂型;临床表现;影像学
Clinical and Radiological Characteristics of Noncontained Lumbar Disc Herniation
Abstract:Objective To study the clinical and radiological characteristics of noncontained lumbar disc herniation.Methods We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of 128 patients with lumbar disc herniation who underwent surgery and evaluated the characteristics of clinical signs and symptoms,CT and MRI of noncontained lumbar disc herniation.Results In 128 patients,48 had noncontained lumbar disc herniation.In these 44 patients,80% had aggravated lumbar and leg pain when coughing;86% had intensive leg pain after transient aggravated lumbar pain;the result of the straight leg raising test was patients.In these patients,the rate of disc herniation was more than in CT,and focal interruption of the black line was found in MRI.Conclusion We can establish the diagnosis of noncontained lumbar disc herniation before operation basing on the characteristics of clinical signs and symptoms and manifestation of CT and MRI.
Key words:Lubar intervertebral disc protrusion;Noncontained;Clinical manifestation;Imaging
1 材料与方法
1.1 一般资料 自2000年1月至2006年7月在我院手术治疗腰椎间盘突出症患者128例,男99例,女29例,年龄21岁~58岁,平均年龄41.8岁。病程6个月~20 a,平均病程2.5 a。腰椎间盘突出部位为L5~S1 41例,L4~L5 47例,L3~L4 18例,L2~L3 12例,L1~L2 10例。左侧突出58例,右侧突出52例,中央型突出18例。
1.2 腰椎间盘突出症的分型 腰椎间盘突出症分为4型:突出型、纤维环下突出型、经纤维环突出型和游离型。后2型属于破裂型,前2型属未破裂型。所有病例均行Love法、半椎板和全椎板切除髓核摘除术,最后确定诊断以术中所见判定。
1.3 影像学检查 数字X射线摄影(digital radiography,DR),摄腰部正位及侧位片,在具体图像处理功能的计算机控制下,采用一维或二维的X线探测器直接把X线影像信息转化为数字信号。经主机控制台和工作站进行图像后处理,输出至干式激光相机打印成胶片图像后进行诊断。计算机断层扫描系GE公司生产CT机,扫描条件120 kV,330 mA,层厚3 mm,层距3 mm,扫描时间1.5 s,扫描范围包括椎间盘上下各12 mm。MRI检查系用GE公司生产的超导型Signa 1.5 T磁共振成像仪。腰部表面线圈磁场强度0.35 Tes/a,自旋回波脉冲系列成像。T1加权为500/30,T2加权为2 000/80,质子加权为1 500/40。矢状切层厚3 mm,横断切层厚为4 mm。
2 结果
2.1 非破裂型腰椎间盘突出症 患者80例,年龄21岁~46岁,平均年龄38.6岁;病程0.5 a~16 a,平均病程4.6 a;左侧突出42例,右侧38例。破裂型腰椎间盘突出症组48例,年龄27岁~58岁,平均年龄40.2岁;病程1 a~20 a,平均病程4.8 a;左侧突出26例,右侧22例。两组年龄、病程和突出侧比较无统计学意义。
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