- 讲师:刘萍萍 / 谢楠
- 课时:160h
- 价格 4580 元
[关键词] DNA提取;血液;DNA检测
DNA Isolation by Simple Rapid and Innocuous Method from Blood Useful in Clinical Molecular Testing
Abstract: Objective To study the method of DNA isolation from blood for application. Methods DNA was isolated and determinated by agarose gel electrophoesis and PCR from antiagglutinating and agglutinating blood samples that were withdrawn from auricular veins. Results The yields and purity of DNA isolated from clotted blood and antiagglutinating blood were (40.2 ± 8.86) mg DNA/L blood and (1.87 ± 0.11),(39.1 ± 10.2) mg DNA/L blood and (1.92± 0.12). The DNA that we isolated from all samples has high molecular weight and by PCR the dimorphism of Alu alleles of the 8th intron of tPA was easy to be obtained, so it was complete and reliable. Conclusion The results showed this method is rapid, easy, efficient and innocuous for isolation of DNA from clotted and fresh blood and it is suit for clinical testing and molecular biology study.
Key words: DNA isolation;Blood;DNA determination
常规的临床检测实验室中往往要收集大量的未凝结血液,而将凝血丢掉。分子生物学实验中,常用来自EDTA抗凝或枸椽酸钠抗凝的外周血来做DNA来源[1,2], 由于抗凝剂的加入,往往使血浆不能用于检测其他项目。分离完白血球后,多数程序要用酶法消化细胞,然后是用对人体有害的有机溶剂(如酚氯仿)抽提及用乙醇沉淀[3]。为了减少实验检测血液的用量,已有些报道从凝血中提取DNA[3~5],然而这些技术有些比较不实用,易造成污染,或者比较耗时,要用到酶、RNA去除步骤;有些要求样本体积大,所需试剂在常规的实验室中不具备使用条件等。我们经多次实验并参考其他资料,优化出一种不需要酶而且不使用有机溶剂抽提的程序,能有效地从新鲜血液和凝血中提取DNA,适用于临床检测及分子生物学实验。
1 材料和方法
1.1 样本来源 静脉抽取30份健康体检者血样。10份用EDTA抗凝, 10份不加抗凝处理,10份不抗凝在-40 ℃冻存2 a左右。
1.2 DNA提取方法 取凝血块,用9 g/L 氯化钠匀浆大约30 s,每换一个样本都要用70%乙醇和9 g/L 氯化钠清洗匀浆器以避免交叉污染。取匀浆后样本1 ml置于离心管中,室温8 000 r离心5 min后,去掉上层。血细胞在1 ml的Tris缓冲液I(10 mmol/L TrisHCl,pH 8.0;10 mmol/L 氯化钾;10 mmol/L 氯化镁;2 mmol/L EDTA,pH 8.0;25 mL/L Triton X100)中裂解10 min, 其间轻轻用力充分混匀, 室温10 000 r离心2 min,沉淀要用Tris 缓冲液I洗2次。将沉淀用220 μl的Tris 缓冲液II (10 mmol/L TrisHCl,pH 8.0;10 mmol/L 氯化钾;10 mmol/L 氯化镁;2 mmol/L EDTA,pH 8.0;0.4 mol/L 氯化钠;10 g/L SDS)悬浮,轻轻振荡试管, 使底部细胞团块散开,在56 ℃保温15 min裂解。加入100 μl 5 M 氯化钠充分振荡沉淀去除蛋白质。10 000 r离心5 min,取上清。加2.5倍体积的无水乙醇沉淀DNA后,10 000 r离心5 min,弃上清。室温晾20 min左右待酒精挥发干净后以适量TE缓冲液(10 mmol/L TrisHCl,pH 8.0,1 mmol/L EDTA)回溶。EDTA抗凝血中DNA的提取从去掉上层开始。
1. 3 DNA浓度检测 用分光光度计在260 nm测DNA浓度。
1. 4 DNA纯度检测 DNA的纯度用A260/A280比值表示[3]。结果以均值±SD表示。
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