Fuel pump draws fuel out of the tank and forces it to the engine under pressure.There are two basic types of fuel pumps:mechanical and electric.
Mechanical fuel pump is usually powered by an eccentric on the engine camshaft. Thistype of fuel pump bolts to the side of the engine block. A gasket prevents oil leakagebetween the pump and engine block. Mechanical fuel pump can still be found incarburetor-type fuel systems.
Electric fuel pump are commonly used on all types of modern engines. It can belocated inside the fuel tank of in the fuel line between the tank and the engine. An electricfuel pump has advantages over a mechanical fuel pump. An electric pump can producealmost instant fuel pressure. A mechanical pump slowly builds pressure as the engine iscranked or starting. And also,most electric fuel pumps are rotary-type pumps,whichproduce a smoother flow of fuel than reciprocating, mechanical pumps.
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