Today I check https://www.galton.com/~sun_ss and found myself passed SCJD. I used to think that Sun will email me about the result but it is not necessary. I downloaded the assignment(Flight by night) on March 13, 2002, uploaded on May 3rd, 2002(unable to upload first, solved 1 day after I emailed who2contact), and took the essay test (only 5 questions) on May 12th, 2002, got passed on May 23th, 2002. Result:
Date Taken: 2002-05-23 01:31:17.153
Score: 0142
Documentation(maximum = 20): 20
Server(maximum = 53): 49
I think most of them are common, nothing particular.
2) I modify the database class - suncertify.db.Data for easy usage. Also there are 2 deprecated methods in suncertify.db.Data, which need modification.
4) Local/network
5) Lock/Unlock
as the ID(owner) of the lock. When a locked record is to be unlocked, the reference of unlocking thread will be compared with the owner of the lock, if same, unlock the record, otherwise do nothing.
My data server just instantiates a RemoteDataImpl object and bind it with a predefined name.
7) Client GUI
in the command line parameter. The first parameter (-L or -N) indicates the local mode or
In network mode, the address and port of data server
I would like to thank Mark, Sid, Sai, Adam and Javaranch. Next I will run for SCWCD.
Leon Wang