1. 概述
Oracle9iAS 证书全名
OCP 和 OCM 三种.很多公司
| 叫:Oracle9iAS Web Administr
现在需要全职或兼职的 Oracle9
| ator Certified Associate,下文
iAS Web Administrator.这种工作
要得到 9iAS WACA,简
| 单来说:考一门试,得一个证.
| 无参加 Oracle 培训的要求.
2.考试 |
9iAS WACA 考试全名:
#1Z0-301 Oracle9iAS: Basic A
| dministration. 考试时间为 2 小
3.考试准备 |
要学习,准备下面三方面的内容: |
1. D37338 Oracle9iAS: Basic Admi
nistration, Student Guide V1,V2. Production
2. Oracle9i: Security Concepts i
| n an Internet Environment
3. Oracle9i: Introdu
| ction to LDAP and Oracle Int
| ernet Environment
参考资料 1 目前还未见有电子版,
着本质的不同.学习内容 2 和 3 可通过
| 只有印刷版.网上传过的那本是2001年讲
参加 Oracle 网上图书馆的培训.没有网上图书馆用
4.培训 |
Oracle 提供上述三门
课的培训.第一门是由 Oracle
5.考试要点 |
1. Oracle9iAS Installation Options |
[ ] Describe the arc
hitecture and main component
s of the middle-tier Oracle9i
[ ] Explain the inst
allation options for Oracle9
iAS and how the various
[ ] Explain the installation dep
| endencies
[ ] Indentify the recommended de
| ployment strategies
2. Installing Oracle
| 9i Application Server
[ ] Install J2EE and Web Cache |
[ ] Describe the dif
ference between the first in
stallation on a machine and
[ ] Describe when you need to as
sign a J2EE and Web Cache instance to an
[ ] Install Oracle9i
AS Infrastructure, and: Exp
lain a first installation of
[ ] Describe the ins
| tallation if components alre
| ady exist
3. Managing Oracle9iAS Using Ora
| cle Enterprise Manager
[ ] Use the Oracle9i
AS Web-based management tool
| s, and explain and use
[ ] Start and stop an Oracle9iAS
| instance or a component
[ ] Explain the stru
| cture of the Farm page
[ ] Use the navigati
on bar to access different c
omponent homepages and get
4. Managing the Oracle HTTP Server |
[ ] Specify the directory struct
| ure and location of configuration files
[ ] Configure and ma
nage Oracle HTTP Server: usi
ng Oracle Enterprise Manager,
[ ] Locate the main configuratio
| n file httpd.conf
__ Specify server and administra
| tor functions
__ Limit the number
| of processes and connections
__ Manage the network connection |
__ Configure and use server log files |
5. Configure the Ora
| cle HTTP Server - Advanced F
| eatures
[ ] Describe the allowed locatio
| ns and context merging of directives
[ ] Explain the configuration co
| ntext of directives
[ ] Use container directives such as: < Directory >, < Files > and < Location >, < Virtual Host > |
[ ] Create and configure virtual hosts |
6. Managing PL/SQL,
| CGI, and Perl Applications
[ ] Use the mod_plsq
l configuration files such a
s plsql.conf, dads.conf, and
[ ] Create a databas
| e access descriptor (DAD): u
| sing dads.conf, using OEM
[ ] Define authentic
| ation for PL/SQL application
| s
[ ] Prevent the exec
| ution of specific procedures
| and packages from a browser
7. Introducing Oracle9iAS Contai
| ners for J2EE (OC4J)
[ ] Describe the dep
| loyment and management featu
| res of OC4J
[ ] Explain the OC4J architecture |
[ ] Describe the Ora
| cle Process Management and N
| otification System (OPMN)
[ ] Locate the mod_oc4j configur
ation files and configure mod_oc4j using
[ ] Monitor the OC4J instances |
8. Configuring OC4J |
[ ] Describe the OC4
| J configurationand deploymen
| t process
[ ] Explain OC4J configuration basics |
[ ] Locate the configuration dir
| ectory and describe the structure
[ ] Describe the ser
ver configuration files such
as: server.xml,
[ ] Describe the rel
| ationships among the configu
| ration files
9. Deploying Java Applications w
| ith OC4J
[ ] Describe how J2E
| E applications connect to da
| tabases
[ ] Create and configure data so
| urces to be used with OC4J
[ ] Describe the data-sources.xml file |
[ ] Obtain data sources informat
| ion from OC4J homepage
[ ] Create a data source using OEM |
[ ] Deploy Web appli
cation modules: using Oracle
Enterprise Manager, using
[ ] Deploy J2EE applications: |
__ Using the Deploy J2EE applica
| tion wizard to deploy an EJB
__ Using dcmctl command line utility |
10. Introducing Oracle9iAS Web Cache |
[ ] Describe key concepts of Ora
| cle9iAS Web Cache
[ ] Explain the architecture of
| Oracle9iAS Web Cache
[ ] Explain the communication fl
| ow with Oracle9iAS Web Cache
[ ] Describe common deployment s
| cenarios
[ ] Administer and c
| onfigure Oracle9iAS Web Cach
| e
[ ] Use Oracle Web Cache Manager |
[ ] Use the command
| line utility webcachect
[ ] Describe the directory struc
| ture of Oracle9iAS Web Cache
[ ] Locate configuration and log files |
[ ] Start, stop, and restart Ora
cle9iAS Web Cache using Oracle Enterprise
[ ] Obtain status, statistics an
| d metrics from OEM Web Cache Homepage
[ ] Modify security settings, in
| cluding:
__ Change the passwo
| rds to Oracle9iAS Web Cache
__ Use Web Cache Manager to chan
| ge the administrator or invalidator password
11. Using and Managin Oracle9iAS
| Web Cache
[ ] Create and confi
| gure caching rules using Web
| Cache Manager
[ ] Set up invalidation mechanisms |
12. Managing the Oracle9iAS Infr
| astructure
[ ] Describe the key
| features of Oracle9iAS Infr
| astructure
[ ] Describe the benefits of usi
| ngOracle9iAS Infrastructure
[ ] Start of stop Oracle9iAS Inf
| rastructure
[ ] Manage the metad
ata repository, including st
arting, stopping and restartin
13. Introducing Oracle9iAS clust
| ering concepts
[ ] Explain the terms cluster, f
| arm, instance, and component cluster
[ ] Describe the arc
hitecture and components of
Oracle9iAS instances and
[ ] Explain how different failur
| e scenarios are managed by Oracle9iAS:
__ A node within a c
| luster goes down OPMN goes d
| own
__ An Oracle HTTP Server goes down |
__ An OC4J process goes down |
[ ] Describe how distributed con
| figuration management works when you:
__ Deploy a J2EE application to
| a cluster
__ Create a new OC4J
| instance with which joins a
| cluster
[ ] Deploy Oracle9iAS clusters |
14. Managing Security |
[ ] Explain basic se
| curity concepts and common d
| eployment topologies
[ ] Describe the aut
hentication and restriction
schemes available with the
[ ] Define host based access control: |
__ Use IP-based accdess control |
__ Specify domain-based access control |
[ ] Configure basic authenticati
| on, including:
__ Define user authentication di
| rectives in .httpd.conf configuration file.
__ Use authenticatio
| n directives in .htaccess
__ Use the htpasswd
| command line utility to gene
| rate a password file
15. Securing Oracle
| HTTP Server with Secure Sock
| ets Layer (SSL)
[ ] Describe SSL-based communication |
[ ] Configure mod_os
sl using the appropriate dir
ectives and use SSL with
16. Introducing Oracle9iAS Singl
| e Sign-On
[ ] Describe the Ora
| cle9iAS Single Sign-On (SSO)
| architecture
[ ] Explain Single S
| ign-On authentication to par
| tner applications
[ ] Use Single Sign-On Administr
| ation page to:
__ Edit SSO server credentials |
__ Configure the SSO server |
__ Add a partner application |
__ Add an external application |
[ ] Use the Delegate
d Administration Service (DA
S) for SSO user
[ ] Use the appropri
ate directives to configure
single sign-on with Oracle
[ ] Define SSO server to use SSL |
[ ] Configure applications to use SSO |
17. Introducing Orac
| le Internet Directory (OID)
[ ] Describe the functions perfo
| rmed by the OID architectural components
[ ] Start, stop and restart usin
| g OEM Web site
[ ] Use Oracle Directory Manager
| , including:
__ Start Oracle Directory Manager |
__ Connect to a directory |
__ Navigate the Oracle Directory
| Manager GUI
__ Obtain user information using
| Oracle Directory Manager
[ ] Connect to and disconnect fr
| om a directory server
18. Oracle Internet
| Directory Concepts and Archi
| tecture
[ ] What is a directory server |
__ Why should you use LDAP |
__ What is LDAP components |
__ Identify common directory app
| lications
[ ] OID architectural components |
__ OID server instance architecture |
19. Directory and Lightweight Di
| rectory Access Protocol (LDAP) concepts
[ ] List different LDAP models |
[ ] Describe object classes |
20. Bulk tools and command-line
| tools used to manage the data in Oracle
[ ] List the functions of the bu
| lk tools
[ ] List the functions of the co
| mmand-line tools
21. Managing OID Processes |
[ ] Describe the OID server inst
| ance and node architecture
22. Securing OID Data |
[ ] List the characteristics of
access control policies (ACPs) and access
__ Access control information |
__ Access level requ
| irements for LDAP operations
23. Security Require
| ments and Risks in an Intern
| et Environment
[ ] List and describe the fundam
| ental security requirements
24. Oracle Security Solutions |
[ ] Describe how ind
| ustry solutions address Inte
| rnet security risks
25. Implementing a Security Policy |
[ ] List and describ
e the steps required to deve
lop and implement a security
[ ] Describe the pri
| nciple of least privilege
[ ] List and describe the items
| on the general security checklist