- 讲师:刘萍萍 / 谢楠
- 课时:160h
- 价格 4580 元
1.What is Internet 2?
Internet 2 is a not-for-profit consortium,led by over 180 US universities,developing and deploying advanced network applicatons and technology,accelerating the creation of tomorrow's Internet.With participation by over 60 leading companies,Internet 2 recreates the partnership of academia,industry and government that helped foster today's Internet in its infancy.
2.Is Internet 2 a separate network?Will Internet 2 replace the current commercial Internet?
Internet 2 is not a separate physical network and will not replace the Internet.Internet 2 brings together institutions and resources from academia,industry and government to develop new technologies and capabilities that can then be deployed in the global Internet.Close collaboration with Internet 2 corporate members will ensure that new applications and technologies are rapidly deployed throughout the Internet.Just as E-mail and the World Wide Web are legacies of earlier investments in academic and federal research networks,the legacy of Internet 2 will be to expand the possibilities of the broader Internet.
3.How will Internet 2 benefit current Internet users?
Internet 2 and its members are developing and testing new technologies,such as Ipv6,multicasting,and QoS.[1] However,these applications require performance not possible on today's Internet.More than a faster Web or E-mail,these new technologies will enable completely new applications such as digital libraries,virtual laboratories,distance-independent learning and tele-immersion.A primary goal of Internet 2 is to ensure the transfer of new network technology and applications to the broader education and networking communities.
4.What is the relationship between the Next Generation Internet(NGI)Internet 2,and other advanced networking initiatives?
The university-led Internet 2 and the federally-led NGI are parallel and complementary initiatives based in the United States.Internet 2 and NGI are already working together in many areas.For example,through participation in a NSF NGI program,over 150 Internet 2 universities have received competitively awarded grants to support connections to advanced backbone networks such as Abilene and the very high performance Backbone network service(vBNS).Internet 2 is also forming partnerships with similar advanced networking initiatives around the world.Working together will help ensure a cohesive and interoperable advanced networking infrastructure for research and education,and the continued interoperability of the global Internet.
5.What are some of Internet 2's long-term goals?
A key goal of this efforts is to accelerate the diffusion of advanced Internet technology,in particular into the commercial sector.In this way,Internet 2 will help to sustain United States leadership in internetworking technology.Internet 2 will benefit non-university members of the educational community as well,especially k-12 and public libraries.Internet 2 and its members aim to share their expertise with as wide a range of computer users as possible.This approach characterized the first Internet and it can work again today.For Internet 2 universities,this means providing high-performance networking on their campuses-investing to upgrade their campus networks and connecting to a national Internet 2 backbone network.For Internet 2 corporate partners,this means actively collaborating with Internet 2 universities and in Internet 2 initiatives.
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