2020年ACCA备考资料干货分享:汇兑损益(exchange gains or losses)
来源:长理培训发布时间:2020-03-11 10:41:28
汇兑损益(exchange gains or losses)
合并财务状况变动表(consolidated statement of changes in financial poition)
换算损益(translation gains or losses)
举债经营收购(Leveraged buyouts,简称LBC)(美)
母公司持股比例变动(change in ownership percentage held by parent)
交互分配法(reciprocal allocation approach)(美)
货币项(monetary items)
合伙清算(partnership liquidation
全面分摊法(comprehensive allocation)
合并费用(expenses related to combinations)
间接标价法(indirect quotation)
买入汇率(buying rate)
期货合约(futrues contract)
控投公司(holding company)
股票指数期货(stock index futrues)
横向销售(crosswise sale)
固定汇率(fixed rate)
纳税影响法(tax effect method)
记账汇率(recording rate)