来源:长理培训发布时间:2020-03-09 03:25:38
n. 垄断,垄断者,独占,专卖权
monopoly agreement 垄断协议
abuse of a dominant market position 滥用市场支配地位
concentration of undertakings 经营者集中
abuse of administrative power to
eliminate or restrict competition 滥用行政权力排除、限制竞争
investigation of the suspected monopoly conducts 对涉嫌垄断行为的调查
monopolistic conduct 垄断行为
lifeline n. 生命线
exclusive adj. 独有的,排外的,专一的
n. 独家新闻,独家,独家经营的项目
self-discipline n. 自律
execution works 执法工作
boycott v.& n. 联合抵制,拒绝参加
non-local commodity 外地商品
administrative licensing 行政许可
concert v. 协调,协同安排 n. 音乐