- 讲师:刘萍萍 / 谢楠
- 课时:160h
- 价格 4580 元
激光导航 laser navigation
激光通信 laser communication
计划单列市 city specifically designated in the state plan
计划经济 planned economy
计划内招生 planned enrollment
计划生育责任制 responsibility system of family planning
机会成本 opportunity cost
积极防御 active defense
计价器 taximeter
计件工资制 piece-rate system
季节工 seasonal worker
季节性调价 seasonal price adjustment
即开式奖券 scratch-open ticket; scratch pad
激励约束制度 a system of incentives and disincentives
激烈竞争 cut-throat competition
记名债券 registered bond
吉尼斯世界记录 Guinness World Records
纪念封 commemorative envelope
即期消费 immediate consumption
机器阅卷 machine scoring
急人民所急,忧人民所忧 making the desires and worries of the people one’s own
吉日良辰 auspicious day
即溶泳衣 dissolvable bikini (The dissolvable bikini looks like a real bikini but disappears after just a few seconds in water. 从表面看,这种泳衣和真正的比基尼没有任何区别,但入水几秒钟后,它却能被彻底溶解掉。)
积少成多 many a little makes a mickle
寄生效应 ghost effect
即食餐 ready meal
计时工资 hourly wage
计时工资制 time-rate wage system
纪实文学 documentary writing
纪实小说 documentary fiction
寄售 commission sale
技术产权交易所 technology equity market; technology property right exchange
技术成果商品化 commercialization of technological achievements
技术储备 technological reserve
技术创新 technological innovation
技术改造 technological transformation
技术攻关 strive to make technological breakthrough
技术工人 technician; skilled worker
技术集约企业 technology-intensive enterprise
技术交底 technical disclosure
技术密集产品 technology-intensive product
技术密集型 technology-intensive
技术下乡 spread technological knowledge to farmers
技术依托 technical backstopping
技术有偿转让 transfer of technology with compensation
集束炸弹 cluster bomb
技术职称 technical title
技术转让 technology transfer
集思广益 draw on collective wisdom and absorb all useful ideas
缉私力量 the forces engaged in the fight against smuggling
寄宿家庭 home stay (A home stay provides the opportunity to experience foreign culture while living in a foreign home. 寄宿家庭可以让你居住在外国人家中感受外国文化。)
计算机化战争 computerized war
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