- 讲师:刘萍萍 / 谢楠
- 课时:160h
- 价格 4580 元
Josina has been appointed Chair of a remuneration committee. She is responsible for which one of the following duties?
A Fixing the date and time of the next meeting
B Giving a ruling on matters in dispute
C Taking notes during the meeting
Which of the following would not be an objective of stakeholder management in relation to major suppliers?
A Continuity of supply
B Mutual dependency
C Information sharing
Which of the following statements is true?
A Strong values improve corporate performance
B Strong values can replace rules and controls in an organisation
C Strong values minimise conflict within an organisation
D Strong values are dangerous if they filter out 'uncomfortable' environmental information
In the context of audit, what are 'substantive tests' designed to accomplish?
A To establish whether internal controls are being applied as prescribed
B To identify errors and omissions in financial records
C To establish the causes of errors or omissions in financial records
D To establish an audit trail
甲公司所持有的A原材料是专门用于生产A产品的。2×13年末A材料库存100万件,成本为3 500万元,以该批材料可以生产A产品100万件,预计继续加工需要成本为1 200万元。A产品期末在市场上的销售价格为45元/件,A材料在市场上的报价为3.4元/件。假定不存在销售费用,A材料期末应计提的减值准备的金额为( )。
A. 0
B. 100万元
C. 200万元
D. 300万元
甲市乙县的A派出所对小梁作出了拘留10天的决定,小梁不服申请行政复议,关于本案,下列说法中正确的是( )。
根据个人所得税的有关规定,下列表述正确的是( )。
Are the following statements true or false?
1 Adair's leadership model focuses on what leaders do and not what they are
2 The Ashridge leadership model proposes a democratic approach to leadership
A Both statements are true
B Statement 1 is true; statement 2 is false
C Statement 1 is false; statement 2 is true
D Both statements are false
Which of the following terms is used to describe the 'right' to perform an action in an organisation?
A Responsibility
B Authority
C Influence
D Power
甲公司为增值税一般纳税人,购买及销售商品适用的增值税税率为17%。期末存货采用成本与可变现净值孰低计量。甲公司,按单项存货计提存货跌价准备。甲公司2013年年初存货的账面余额中包含A产品100吨,其采购成本为100万元,加工成本为40万元,采购时增值税进项税额为17万元,已计提的存货跌价准备金额为10万元。2013年当期售出A产品75吨。2013年12月31日,该公司对A产品进行检查时发现,库存A产品均无不可撤销合同,其市场销售价格为每吨0.41万元,预计销售每吨A产品还将发生销售费用及相关税金0.05万元。2013年12月31日A产品应计提或冲回的存货跌价准备的金额为( )万元。
A. 26
B. 2.5
C. 23.5
D. 0
下列关于移动加权平均法核算发出存货的表述中,正确的有( )。
A. 采用移动加权平均法能够使企业管理层及时了解存货成本的结存情况
B. 计算出的平均单位成本及发出和结存的存货成本比较客观
C. 计算工作量比较大
D. 适用收发货较频繁的企业
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